Saturday, 5 May 2012

PERAMPAS!!!! (for girls especially)

ok2,, tau howt dgn tajuk entry kali ni kan,, pape pon..
salam semue....
ok2,, walaupun maybe xde pon yg bace blog aq ni,, tp aq nak cite jgak.. (maybe there is my bestie yg bace.)
ape korang fkir bile 1st time dgr prkataan perampas ni. mungkin ade yg kejam! x suke! benci! 
ye,, sesungguhnye kaum2 hawe mmg akan membenci golongan ini.. aq juge sebenarnye.. ye la,, duk bahagie2,, tup2 kesyngn kte kene amek ngn org laen kan.. mmg perit merit rasenye...

ok2,, chill,, aq rase kan,, kadang2 kte xley la nak  salahkan gadis tersebut sebagai perampas semate2 yg menyebabkan korang clash, gadoh or what eva kan..
ade byk kes ok,,

1st, maybe korang kene tgok betul2 diri korang, maybe korang ade buat big mistakes yg mnybabkan korang punye boyfie rase sush nak maafkan,, then dye tukar ke arah gadis tersebut..
ACTION TO TAKE: korang cube la elakkan buat kesilapan, n amalkan give n take utk mengelak bende2 ni k..

2nd, maybe pakwe korang tu mmg jenis yg BUAYE.. hoho,, mungkin la kan,, sbb tu klau nak kapel,, nak carik psngan,, sile kaji n selidik dulu ok,, lain la kalau korang da lame member kan.. mmg da betul2 kenal,, just like my two bestie! wish both of u long lasting!
ACTION TO TAKE: first, mcm td aku ckap, b4 kapel kaji seldik dulu, tapi kalau bende dah jadik, nasik dah jadi bubur kan,, tgglkan je laki mcm tu,, korang nak ke laki mcm tu jadik laki? nonono!!

after those reasons, and maybe reasons that is out of our minds, baru la korang consider all this because of the 'perampas' huhu.. because there is some kind of this girls out there.. and anggap je la korang xde jodoh dgn si die..
hokey2,, lastly,, i'm so sory pade sesape yg terase ke ape.. (bace pon xde, terase ade ke?) haha..
aq mmg xde ilmu sgt dlm hal2 ni,, cume tetibe terase nak tulis pasal ni.. why??
(tadi terbace fb die,, die gaduh dgn gf dye,, how shock i am.. and seems like they are clash? maybe.. aq x tau nak rase ape,, hepy? mane boleh hepy di atas kesedihan org.. x ke,, kejam tu? tapi aku x kacau dyorng n not the reason of their problems tu.. tapi salah ke aku,, sebab once aq pernah berdoa, mungkinkah kalau dyorng xde jodoh,, aq still ade chance.. berdose ke aq? yg penting,,  now hati aku bercampur baur... b4 this aq nak lupekan je dye since aq xnak kacau hak org. one of my besfren pon nasehat the same thing,, but when all this happen.... what should i do? is it now my chance?? ) 

tu je from me k,, aligato'
ps: confused2!!!! 

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