Saturday, 26 January 2013



gonna be a very short entry,,
just want to say that I feel so terrible right now,
maybe cuz of the final exam which is around the corner,
my study week which shortened,
have to go camping BTN after the final,
and, I got irritation in my BOTH eyes! kind of inflammation and it's hurts,
this is just not the right time,
I got abundance of notes to discover in this 1 week left before the final,
abah kate kurang2kan membace,, but HOW can I?
but, gratefully, Allah still love, He give me dugaan,,
am I right?
be patient Norsuhada Norden,
be patient...
may I am able to go through all those things before my holiday.. :)

*sakit itu penghapus dose*
sincere me, suhada...

Friday, 18 January 2013

the new me


assalamualaikum pembuke bicare.. cewah...

rase2nye dah bekurun2 x tulis kat blog ni sejak masuk uni. senang cite after masuk mmg 1st aq tulis balik blog,, huhu,,

how's my medical life??
soklan tu sgt2 takut utk dicakap.. hua,, sgt2 pack. dulu kat matriks senior selalu ckap, "kat matriks tu mmg la pack, nnt kat uni relax je, kelas selang2.. anytime bole balik.."
sesungguhnye, kate2 itu amat la jauh berbeze dgn dunie ku kini,, schedule 8 am to 5 pm, or even 6 pm,, kdg2 tu boleh 5 lecture in one day and the content x payah mention pun boleh byg.

tapi kan, bile fikir2 balik, this is my own choice, so,, just go through with it. and Allah dah letak aq dlm medic ni, means terSGT2 besar la amanah yg Allah bgi dkt hambe dye yg lemah ni.. :)

yes, one more thing,, AMANAH....
dekat uni ni, even baru bape bulan kat sini, dah banyaaak sgt ceramah2 agame yg di anjurkan and alhamdulillah aq dikurniekan kudrat utk menghadiri semue kuliah2 agame tu,,
berbalik pade tajuk entry ni kan, kenape the new me? Alhamdulillah,, aq dpt rase aq dah berubah perlahan lahan menjadi makhluk Allah yg lebih baik. bukan nak meninggi diri, tapi mmg tu kebenaran yg aq dpt rasekan.. semue program2 agame dpt bukak mate aq, and and change several of my old perception b4 masuk cni.. contoh,,, aq baru sedar Couple Itu Haram! yes, thats it! dan sekarang aq ade pendirian yg aq xkan bawak diri aq masuk dlm kancah sebegitu rupe.. semue tu dose.. bape byk dose aq dah buat b4 ni,, aq just percaye yg Allah dah aturkan semuenye yg terbaek untuk aq,, satu hr nnt pasti Allah akan hantar seseorang yg dpt bimbing aq, how sweet Allah right? :) but aq still open minded, kalau member2 aq kapel aq xde la pandang serong ke ape,, huhu... don't judge a book by it's cover kan.. (eh, ade relation ke?)

second thing,, KOREA... haha,, mmg masalah besar.. aq mmg a big fan of 2PM.. selok belok 2PM, celah kiri kanan dyorng sume aq tau, lagu dyorng sume aku tau.. but then,, ustaz ckap, dyorng Islam ke?? "taak" kamu minat2 sgt meka tu, nnt nak ke kat akhirat bangun same2 ngan dyorng? "tak naak"
peh!!! mase tu mmg sentap tahap gaban la kan,, *maaf ayat kasar* ..... errr,, so,, aq dah berjaye kurangkan 2PM aku,, aq still tgok video dyorng, tapi sgt jarang and dah x se feeling kalau mcm dulu lagi.. lagu pon, ha,, dah lame x dgr lagu dyorng, cuti nnt la dgr.. haha.

one more thing, hari tu, aq mimpi, nyawe aq ditarik,, funny thing is aq boleh tau yg aq akan mati, so aq pegi ckp dekat semue ahli family,, seeing my parents, kakak n abang menangis berie2, aq jadik sebak sgt2, n dlm mimpi tu, aq sgt2 takut nk mati sebb x banyak amalan bekalan akhirat aq.. aq rase tu peringatan  dari Allah.. means that, Alhamdulillah Allah masih syg dkat aq, dye x nak aq hanyut jauh2,, lagi sekali sweet kan Allah? :D so,, better muslimah insyaAllah after this.. doakan aq ye.. huhu..

hmm,, hari ni officially my study week bermule,, tapi hr ni rase nk relax dlu sbb baru test tadi. huhu.. esok pon nak berangkat ke jb sebab ahad ni majlis resepsi akak kan.. so I guess that's all from me.. x tau bile lagi dapat tulis dlm blog ni,, cuti sem nnt kot,, InsyaAllah..

#ingat Allah sentiase, Allah akan ingat kite dan dgr sume doa kite..
sincere me... suhada